Que veut dire

24th Aug 2019

Quand j'ai visité dernièrement l'Angleterre, j'ai appris une nouvelle expression - "silver surfer". Drôle non?


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Avez vous un peu de temps de faire notre test ?

9th Aug 2019

Avant la reprise, essayez de faire notre test afin de connaître votre niveau d'anglais :



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La différence entre "schedule" et "timetable"?

23rd Jun 2019

A timetable is a list of times at which certain stages are reached, or events, lessons,etc. take place.

"Schedule" can also be used for this, but has a wider variety of meanings, e.g. a work programme, a list of items or tasks to be performed within a set period, or in legal documents an appendix to the main text (now more commonly described as an "annex" following the European convention).


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"Poll" or "vote" ?

10th Jun 2019

The difference between vote and poll

A "vote" is an individual expression of choice, whereas "poll" is the system whereby votes are collected. Hence a motion is put to the vote, but a poll is conducted by obtaining the votes (or opinions) of a number of people.


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