10 Ways to Encourage Someone (10 façons d'encourager quelqu'un)

17th Nov 2017

* Voir traductions sur la procahine page.

1. Keep up the good work!

2. That was a nice try. (say this after someone made a good effort but failed)

3.That's a real improvement.

4. You're on the right track.

5. You've almost got it.

6. You're doing great.

7. Don't give up!/Hang in there!

8. You can do it!

9. Give it your best shot. (best shot = best try, best effort).

10. Nice job! / You did great! (after the person has done something good)

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Five ways to make a suggestion.

15th Nov 2017

1. How about....(ex. trying something new)?

2. Why don't you...(ex. talk to your boss)?

3. Maybe we should...(ex. do more research).

4. I'd recommend....(ex. going to the doctor).

5. Have you thought about....(ex. buying a new computer)?

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Différence entre "problem", "trouble" or "issue"

11th Nov 2017

The words "problem", "trouble", and "issue" are very close in meaning. What's the difference bewtween them? The answer is quite complicated, actually! Let's look at the meaning of each word and some of the ways that they're used:

Les mots «problème», «trouble» et «problème» sont très proches. Quelle est la différence entre eux? La réponse est assez compliquée, en fait! Regardons la signification de chaque mot et certaines des façons dont ils sont utilisés:

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Little or small?

7th Nov 2017

Often small and little mean the same. eg. small, little house, adjective to describe a noun - small person  a another example, John is small for his age   height / size.

Souvent, petit et petit signifient la même chose. par exemple. petite, petite maison, adjectif pour décrire un nom - petite personne un autre exemple, John est petit pour son âge taille / taille.

I have a small amount of money, uncountable, a small amount of people came to the party = countable

J'ai une petite quantité d'argent, indénombrable, un petit nombre de personnes est venu à la fête = dénombrable


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